
The Constitution for Creatives: Understanding the Voice

04/10/2023 Community Events

The Uluru Statement from the Heart: A Historic Step Towards Constitutional Recognition

In 2017, a historic moment unfolded at Uluru, where First Nations’ peoples from all corners of Australia converged to share their voices and aspirations for constitutional recognition and reconciliation. The result was the profound Uluru Statement from the Heart, a call to enshrine a First Nations’ Voice in the Australian Constitution. Fast forward to 2023, and the nation is gearing up for an important vote on October 14th that will determine the fate of this historic initiative.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is a powerful declaration born out of a historic gathering at Uluru, which holds immense significance in the hearts and history of Australia’s First Nations. It is a symbol of unity, resilience, and hope for a future where Indigenous voices are not only acknowledged but deeply embedded within the nation’s constitutional fabric.

At the heart of the Uluru Statement is a plea for a First Nations’ Voice to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution. This Voice will be a mechanism for Indigenous communities to have their say on matters that affect their lives, fostering a sense of true partnership between the government and First Nations people.

The Past Referendum

As we approach October 14th, Australians are preparing to cast their votes in a momentous referendum. The primary question on the ballot is whether the Australian Constitution should be amended to recognize First Nations’ peoples, while also establishing the much-anticipated First Nations’ Voice. A resounding “Yes” vote will set in motion a significant step towards justice, equality, and reconciliation.

What a “Yes” Vote Will Achieve

A “Yes” vote in the upcoming referendum holds the promise of transformative change for Australia and its First Nations’ peoples. The key outcomes of such a vote are:

  1. Constitutional Recognition: The Australian Constitution will be amended to formally acknowledge the unique place and history of First Nations’ peoples in the nation’s story. This recognition is not only a symbolic gesture but a concrete step towards acknowledging past injustices and fostering national unity.
  2. First Nations’ Voice: The establishment of a First Nations’ Voice in the Constitution will provide a platform for Indigenous communities to have a say in policies and decisions that impact their lives. It will be a mechanism for ensuring that Indigenous perspectives are taken into account and that they have a direct role in the governance of their own affairs.
  3. Reconciliation and Healing: A “Yes” vote represents a pivotal moment on the path to reconciliation and healing in Australia. It acknowledges the wrongs of the past and the importance of addressing them for a more inclusive and harmonious future.

Join the Discussion

To better understand the significance of the past referendum and the Uluru Statement from the Heart, people were invited to participate in a panel discussion. This event served as an opportunity to engage with the issues at hand, have your questions answered, and gain the knowledge needed to make an informed decision on October 14th, which has already taken place.


The journey that began at Uluru in 2017, as First Nations’ peoples gathered to call for a Voice to Parliament and constitutional recognition, has brought us to a pivotal moment in Australian history. The upcoming referendum on October 14th offers the chance to make significant progress towards reconciliation and justice. By voting “Yes,” Australians can play their part in acknowledging the unique place of First Nations’ peoples and ensuring their voices are heard, setting the stage for a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

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